1980. Film: Michael, A Gay Son
This 30-minute Canadian film follows Michael Collins as he considers whether or not to come out to his family.
It includes a segment shot in a lesbian and gay support group where participants describe their own experiences of coming out as well as help Michael explore how he might handle the issue himself.
Then there’s a role play of Michael coming out to his parents and siblings. Despite the fact that there are actors playing the various members of his family and a ‘real-life’ social worker helping each one explore their issues, it certainly helps convey just how stressful the process can be.
Finally we get to hear Michael’s decision on whether or not to come out: he knows it’s not going to be easy but he decides to go ahead anyway.
Michael, A Gay Son (1980) from Bruce Glawson on Vimeo.
1980. Film: Michael, A Gay Son — No Comments
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