HomeHIV/AIDS1980’s. Queensland’s war on homosexuals. Part Two.


1980’s. Queensland’s war on homosexuals. Part Two. — 3 Comments

  1. Impressive. I was born in 1983 and had absolutely no awareness of this history. We need to educate people, especially youth, about these kinds of things, lest they become complacent and take their freedom for granted. Especially considering the 80s wasn’t that long ago – living memory for most of us, in fact!

    • Thanks Alex. Yes, I absolutely agree, we need to be aware of our history. Things have changed relatively quickly over the past few decades: in most cases that’s been change for the better but, as we can see in Eastern Europe at the minute, things can just as easily change for the worse – and pretty rapidly too. The signs in Australia aren’t too brilliant at the moment either, with a Prime Minister who seems to see bigotry as something to be proud of. Fingers crossed we don’t have a repeat of the Queensland situation.

  2. Pingback:1981: Brisbane Festival of Gay Films – som2nypost.com

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