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1980s. Media: Regional gay publications — 5 Comments

  1. Hi Colin,

    To fill in the gaps about OUTRIGHT, my husband ran the publication with Richard, and Simon learnt how to use desktop publishing software to give OUTRIGHT a new look. It ran for two years. He really enjoyed working with Richard and the community.


  2. Gay Scotland launched with an “Issue 0”, cover-dated December 1981—just an A3 sheet folded to make a four-page publication. In this “dummy” preview, editor Ian Dunn outlines why the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group (formerly Scottish Minorities Group) newsletter was “going public”. In short: “We accept that our present monthly members’ newsletter is far too shy and retiring. We think that it’s high time Scotland’s main gay organisation had something to show for itself. For the first time ever, Scotland is to have its own magazine for homosexuals.”

    The first bimonthly Issue was published on 1st March 1982; 16 pages for 60p. It appears to have been significantly more successful than originally expected, in terms of both circulation and advertising revenue, although the figures announced at the end of the first year suggest that the publication was still running a deficit of “just” £400. That said, there was a tricky period with some arguably ill-judged content in Issue 2, described by one radical shop owner as “…sexist, puerile and self-oppressive”—indeed, Edinburgh’s then Feminist/Radical bookshop First Of May banned Gay Scotland for a while.

    A year and a half in, though, Gay Scotland had become a relatively established title, full of written articles (if not much in terms of illustrations) and was even beginning to cover some serious subjects, not least the “arrival” of AIDS in Scotland.

    Hope this helps.

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