HomeComing Out1985. Tom Robinson marries a woman.


1985. Tom Robinson marries a woman. — 5 Comments

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  4. Well said! If we LGBTQIA folk treat being Gay as a matter of life-long obligation, how are we any different from the heterosexual homophobes?

    Sexuality is fluid for some people, and falling in love with a person, rather than a set of genitalia is probably a lot more liberating than being tied to labels and stereotypes.

  5. Interesting article ..I feel slightly ashamed for thinking Tom a bit if a ‘ posh boy’ cop out who was jumping on the band wagon.
    I’ m 53 and brought up in Liverpool in a family were I felt I HAD TO for my own sanity/ safety to act straight ,truth be known I have never fallen in love with someone on accou t of what set of genitals they own ..I just see the whole PERSON ,my first partner was fairly open in cross dressing ( he looked better than me un stockings lol)yet I guess as 17& 20 yr old looking back we just accepted each others idiosyncrasies and it worked .
    Not sure what this says about me but on paper like Tom Robinson maybe the outside world would call me bisexual ,I guess the nudge ,nudge smutty insinuations bi people had at the hands of both totally straight mates and 100% gay friends basically forced many of us 50 + somethings to lead either our life in secret or in my case not be your authentic self to not be bullied further by family etc.
    Oh to have only been able to stay with my first partner ,drugs & 80’s Thatcher’s Britain was quite a brutal time to be young .Tom Robinson..sorry for being a bit of a jerk my friend in judging you .x

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