1984. Books: ‘Men in Frocks’
“Men in Frocks is the book on modern drag. Its stunning photo studies show the amazing variety of styles that parade themselves today. In a collage of interviews, the drag queens speak for themselves, from unknown street people through to Marilyn and Boy George. They tell the hundred and one reasons why they do it, when they do it and how they get away with it.
Men in Frocks explains the development of the drag scene over a whole generation, from Soldiers in Skirts through the Sea Queens and Radical Femmes to the nouveau drag of 1984. And as a special feature: tips from the experts on DIY (Drag-It-Yourself).”
So said the flyleaf of this Gay Men’s Press book from Kris Kirk (christened Christopher Pious Mary Kirk by ultra-Catholic parents) and his lover Ed Heath (who took the photographs).
The book’s title is slightly misleading as Kirk’s subjects weren’t just those who identified as ‘men wearing frocks’; they covered a whole gamut of self-identification that took in – but certainly didn’t stop at – transgender, transsexual and gender fuck. Indeed Kirk went to great pains throughout the book to stress that there was no single label or, indeed, formula that could be applied to his subjects.
“If there is any one lesson to be learned from studying this field it is that the individual is always the individual. People define themselves and the self-definition must always take priority over the received wisdom. I have met self-defined drag queens whom others would describe as TV either because they enjoy ‘passing or because they ‘dress’ so often that it could be seen as a compulsion; or because they wear lingerie, either to turn men on or to make themselves feel sensuous.
I have met drag performers who have grown to dislike drag and men who insist on being called ‘cross-dressers’ because they dislike what the word ‘drag’ stands for, and men who wear part drag in order ot create confusion and doubt amongst others but would never wear full drag because that would defeat their object.
I know self-defined TVs who are gay or bisexual or oscillating, some of them having learned to cross this sexuality barrier through cross-dressing. I have met TVs who dress like drag queens and drag queens who dress like TVs and TVs whose cross-dressing has encouraged them to address their male role which, in turn, has made them examine their idea of ‘femininity’. And perhaps most important of all, I have learned how marshy a terrain is the middle ground between our earlier clear-cut distinction between transvestites and transsexuals.”
Despite the passage of time, the historical scope, wide range of subjects and incisive analysis of this book make it as relevant to LGBT people today as it was 30 years ago.
I bought my copy at the tv/ts support group located in Upper St, Islington about December 1984 with the incomparable Yvonne Sinclair not shy in showing me her page in the book 🙂 I still have my copy, one of my treasured books.
I’m in it..I’m Graham from the hippodrome.I remember shooting the photo sat on Eds front steps with the milk bottles lol..I wish I hadn’t lost my copy I. The Sands of time
Hello Graham……I was just browsing and happily came across your comment on when we did the photos together…..Happy Times……I so hope that you’re Happy and Well.
Ed (Heath)
Should have left my first comment here! It’s in this thread. Hope this will reach you… Lots of love Cathy from Holland
Hi Graham!! I went to the Hippodrome loads of times in the day !Iremember you well ! are you on FB? Would love to catch up. Wilma
Hi Graham was you at the Hippodrome when they filmed the night of a thousand frocks?
Hi Graham, I worked at the Hippodrome
We used to hang out together with Richard. We had a flat in Soho. We all lost touch.
My name is Sarah, I moved from Birmingham with Richard. How you doing, I would love to hear from you.
Good grief Graham, I came to London from Staffordshire three times just to try and see you. You were the first person I ever saw that made me feel like I could be me authentically. You looked so utterly glamorous in the book. Just wanted to say thank you for being such an inspiration.
Ed!!! Here’s Cathy from Holland! I sang in Stevie’s band, Sadie S. Remember? Last time I saw you and Kris was when some ahole broke my heart and I stayed at your place for a few days. I have such fond memories of you and Kris! Lots of love!!